Randy's Equipment Links
New links are
marked with

 - new!.

NOAA's Diver and Diving Equipment Page
Simon's gear page

Tank Safety
Breathing Air Digest
Chris' Tank Explosion
Cylinder Dos and Don'ts
Professional Scuba Inspectors, Inc.
Simple Eddy - eddy current tank neck inspector

Home Brew Equipment
Assembling Doubles
Assembling an Oxygen Analyzer
Build a divelight!
Crotch Strap
"El Cheapo" Oxygen Analyzer
Imitation Oceanic Spring Heel Straps
O2 Filling Whip
Peg Ladder for Your Boat
Reinhard Kopka - some useful home made accessories
My Portable Sun - home made dive light
Stainless Steel Backplate
Tow Harness for the Dacor Scooter
Underwater Video Housing
Ultimate Hangline Weight
V-P Weight

Pages Containing Significant Resources
Global Positioning System (GPS) Resources - lots of GPS resources

IDCR - Internet Dive Computer Review

Texas Research International, Inc - analysis of compressed breathing air

Used Equipment
Diver's Datalog - UK
GlobalSCUBA.com classifieds
Jon's scuba gear page
Neptune's FREE forum for advertising used equipment

On-Line Suppliers
1 SCUBA Diving Gear
Active Watches
Amphitrite Italian
Blue Water Hunter - spearfishing gear
Cyberspace Dive Shop
Discount SCUBA Supply
Discount Dive Gear
Dive CommandoAP Valve, Auto Air, Buddy BCs
Dive Inn - Europe
Divers Discount Scuba Equipment Online
Diver's Supply - retailer/ mail order
Kirk's SCUBA Gear - new!
Leisure-Pro Online Diver's Emporium
Lloyd Bailey's SCUBA Online
Marine Camera Distributors
Mr. Diver
Ocean Rock Outfitters
Performance Diver
SCUBA Connection
Scuba Depot Online Catalog 
Scuba Equipment USA - online scuba equipment, sherwood, mares, tusa, etc.
SCUBA Equipment Europe - Discount scuba gear from europe
SCUBA Express
Scuba Market
SCUBA Necessities
Sea Optics - cameras
Tek Diver
Vintage SCUBA

New Equipment
A. P. Valves - BCs, rebreathers
Abyss Diving Suits - manufacturers of sport and commercial dry suits
Acou-Stick - "rattling" device
Aeris - dive computers
Aeroskin California - wetsuits
Air Buddy - BC accessory
Air Source One, Inc. - Air systems & tank maintenance
AirCheck Enterprises, Inc. - CO checker
AireTex Compressors - Alkin compressors
Air Technologies, Inc. - compressors, purifiers
Akona - knives, boots, bags, gloves
Alkin YSA - compressors
American Airworks - compressors, fill stations
American Underwater Lighting
Amron International - distributor of many lines
Apeks Marine Equipment - regulators
Apollo Sports Co., LTD
Aqua-Lung - Canada
Aquadyn - back mounted scooters
Aquasight - prescription mask lenses and camera lenses
Aquatic Propulsion Technology, Inc - SeaScooter DPV
Aquatix - underwater housing
Aquavit, Inc - reserve air supply
Aquatec - lift bags, marker bouys, etc.
Arrow Weights
Ascanio - all kinds of SCUBA gear
Atlantis Dive Equipment - dive bags
Atomic Aquatics - regulators
Bauer Compressors - compressors
Beuchat - everything
Body Glove - wetsuits
Brownie's Third Lung - compressors and blending equipment
Cape Read - tote float tank carrier
Captree Opticians- prescription dive masks
Casio - watches
Cetacea - accessories
Citizen Watch Company
Coastal Dive Gear - manufacturer
Cochran Consulting, Inc.
DECA - professionasl gear
Dacor Corporation's old site or their future site
DE-OX - dive planning computer and O2 analyzer
Deep Sea Systems, Inc. - scooters, lights, ROVs
Depth Perception, Inc. - "Sinkers" weight belts
Desert Star - underwater cameras
Designated Diver - clothing
Dive-44 - clothing
Dive Innovations - tank buoyancy compensators
Dive Link - communication system
Dive Patches International - embroidered patches, waterproof decals
Dive Rite Manufacturing, Inc - equipment for the technical diver
Dive-Alert horn
DiveLink - SCUBA communications
Divemar - manufacturer and distributer in Canada
DIVELINK Underwater SCUBA Communications - wireless communications
Diver's Outlet- big store, with periodic specials
Divex - gas filling, suits
Divine Design Aquatics - buddyboats
Diving Concepts - suits
Diving Daisy - ladies' T-shirts
Diving Duds - designer skins
Diving Unlimited International - suits, divewear
Drager - rebreathers
DUI (Diving Unlimited International) - drysuits
Eagle Compressors
Eilat Diver Supply - gas filling
Farallon USA, Inc. - scooters
FisherReasearch Laboratory - metal locators
Fisheye Inc. - cameras & accessories
Force Fin - fins that users love or hate....
Forever Camera Company - down to 60 feet
Frog Skins - tank protector
Fuji Ultrasonic Engineering - underwater communications, achor locator
Gates Underwater Products - video camera housings
Genesis SCUBA - full line
Global Manufacturing Company - accessories, service equipment
Halcyon - rebreathers
Hartenberger - underwater lights
Harvey's Divesuits
Helix Limited - photography equipment
Henderson - suits
Highland Millwork - bands and harnesses
HTB Bungee Cords - bungee cord tiedowns
Hydra-Pak and Kaeser - compressors
Ikelite - dive lights and photography equipment
Inthewater Diving Wear
Ingersoll-Rand Company - Compressors
Innovative SCUBA Concepts
Intelligent SCUBA Equipment, Inc. - dive lights
International Divers (IDI) - regs, BCs, fins
JBL - spearguns
KME Diving Suits - Drysuits
Lawrence Factor - gas analyzers, filters
Light & Motion Industries, Inc.
Lube Suit - makes donning a wetsuit easy
Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Manta Industries - reels
MAR-VEL Underwater Equipment, Inc. - distributer
Markham Marine Services - Gorilla racks
Marine Gear Corp - HydroSpeeder scooter
Marsoops cases & retainers
Metalsub - tech-diving equipment
Maximum Blues dive sportswear
Maxtec, Inc. - O2 sensors
Miller Visual Dynamics - anti-fog lenses
Moby dry suits
Morse Diving professional gear
Monterey Bay Wetsuits
Nemrod - full line
No Gills Required sportswear
New Dimension, Inc. - illuminated slate
Nikon - underwater cameras
Northern Diver - drysuits, wetsuits, wings, BCs and other accessories
NS Research - gas blending products
O'Neill.com/ - wet/dry suits
O'Three - custom wetsuits
OceanArt Wetsuits
Ocean Brite Systems- strobes
Ocean Eye Systems - video sytems
Ocean Images, Inc. - underwater video systems
Ocean Management Systems (OMS) - lots of stuff
Ocean Master - snorkels, masks & knives
Ocean Ray - custom wetsuits
Ocean Reef (Ocean Edge)
Ocean Technology Systems
Ocean Quest - BCs, wetsuits, hoods
Oceanic - manufacturer
Oceaner- wet/drysuits
Odyssea Submarine - wet subs
Optical Studio - corrective lenses
Orca Division of E.I.T. - dive computers
Orcatron Communications Ltd. - underwater communications
OS Systems - dry suits factory rep
OxyCheq - oxygen analyzers and replacement oxygen sensors
Pace Technology - underwater lights a film production gear
Peachie Gear - accessories
Pelican Products
Polar Diving Systems - drysuits and computers
Poseidon Diving Systems - in the UK
PSR International - compressors
Pressed Steel Tank Co. - cylinders
Princeyon Tec - U/W lights
Quest International - video housings, lights
RC Dive Technology - O2 analyzers
Reef SCUBA Accessories - technical and custom dive products
Remote Ocean Systems - remote visual imaging
Riffe - spear guns
RIX Industries - compressors
RJE International - sonar
Sartek Industries - gas control, video, lighting
Schifauer.com - compessors
SCUBA Air Compressor Service - compressors & repair
SCUBA Gear Bargain Store - also provides product information
SCUBA Mate - gear rack
SCUBAPRO Dive Gear and Accessories - manufacturer
SCUBASS - smoke signals
Scuba Vision. - lenses
Sea & Sea Underwater Photography - cameras, lenses, strobes and accessories
Sea Otter - diver delivery vehicle
Sea Turtle SCUBA, Inc.
Sea Vision Masks - prescription masks
Sea-lutions - "Ponease" pony bracket
Seabear - pneumatic speargun
SEAC SUB - manufacturer for many name brands
Seacure - moldable mouthpiece (Randy likes it!)
Seadoo® Seascooter™
Sea-Quest - full line
Sealline - dry bags
Seaways Engineering Systems, Inc. - (dead link) Air Guard, an instrument for CO measurement
Seven Tenths Ltd - diving T-shirts.
Sherwood SCUBA - full line
SpearGear - ultimate speargun holster
STAHLSAC - dive  luggage  
Steam Machines - closed circuit rebreathers
Tanks D'Art
Tank Trap - tank holders
Texas Scuba Divers Swap Meet
Tilos Hydro Gear - wetsuits, snorkels, masks, boots, gloves, bags, weight belts
Toadfish Systems Inc. - side scan sonar
Torpedo® DPV - dive propulsion vehicle
Trident Diving Equipment
Trigger SCUBA underwater communications
TUSA/Tabata USA - regs, BCs, instruments, masks, fins, snorkels, bags, accessories
U.S. Divers
Undersea Breathing Systems - Nitrox O2 analyzer, computer
Undersea Video Housings
Under Sea Institute of Aqua Technology - drysuits
UltraLight Control Systems - arm systems for strobes
Undersea Video Housings - manufacturer
Underwater Kinetics cases, lights
U.S. Divers - regs, cylinders, computers, gauges, BCs, wetsuits,accessories
Uwatec - computers, rebreathers, regulators
Viking Dry Suites - (Trelleborg Protective Products AB)
Watch Exchange - Citizen, Seiko dive watches
Watermark - weight belts
XIOS Company - EyeSea™ Diving Navigation System
Zeagle - BCs, air delivery systems

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Copyright © 1998 - 2001
Randall C. Allen - All rights reserved
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visitor # 81130 since 6/10/97